Understanding Your Well Pump: A Comprehensive Guide

Posted on: 1 December 2023

Whether you're in a rural area or simply have a private well, understanding your well pump is important. It's the component that moves water from your well to your home, and it's essential for providing a steady supply of clean water. This comprehensive guide will break down the different types of well pumps, how they work, key maintenance tips, and when it's time to replace your well pump.

Types of Well Pumps 

The two most common types of well pumps are submersible and jet pumps. Submersible pumps are placed directly in the well and can push water really deep. Jet pumps are placed above ground and pull water from the well using suction. These pumps are typically used for wells that are less than 25 feet deep. 

How Your Well Pump Works 

Well pumps work by creating a vacuum that pulls water from the ground. The pump then pushes the water through pipes that lead to your home. In submersible pumps, a motor powered by electricity sits at the bottom of the well. Jet pumps use a motor above ground to power a jet that creates suction to draw the water up from the well. Once the water reaches the surface, it's sent to a pressure tank, which keeps a steady supply of water available for household use. 

Maintaining Your Well Pump 

Regular maintenance of your well pump is crucial in ensuring its longevity and efficiency. Some simple maintenance tips include checking the pressure gauge on the pressure tank and keeping the area around your well clean and free of debris. Additionally, it's important to have your well pump serviced by a professional every few years to address any issues and prevent any future problems. 

Signs It's Time to Replace Your Well Pump 

If your well pump is older or consistently showing signs of wear and tear, it may be time to replace it. A decreased supply of water, strange noises or vibrations coming from the pump, and unexpectedly high electricity bills can all indicate a failing pump. If you're experiencing any of these issues, it's important to call a professional to assess the situation and determine if a replacement pump is necessary. 

Understanding your well pump is crucial in ensuring a steady supply of clean water for your household. From selecting the right pump to regular maintenance to knowing when it's time to replace your pump, it's important to have all the facts in order to make informed decisions. By following these tips and working with a professional well pump specialist, you can ensure that your well pump will continue to provide a reliable supply of water for years to come.

For more information about well pumps, contact a professional in your area.
