4 Kitchen Remodeling Tricks Of The Trade

Posted on: 20 July 2023

Kitchen remodeling can be an exciting experience for any homeowner. If you're looking to upgrade your kitchen without breaking the bank, here are four kitchen remodeling tricks of the trade that can help breathe new life into your old space. Whether you're looking for a simple and budget-friendly renovation or a complete overhaul, these tricks will offer some actionable tips and ideas to enhance your kitchen's functionality, appearance, and overall value.

1. Glass Doors

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your kitchen is to install glass doors on a few upper cabinets. Glass-front cabinets can make your kitchen look more spacious, open, and expensive. They can also showcase your favorite kitchenware and add visual interest to your cabinets. You can opt for clear, frosted, seeded, etched, or even stained glass, depending on your aesthetic. This simple addition instantly upgrades your kitchen without the hefty price tag.

2. Refacing vs. Replacing

If you're looking for a way to give your kitchen a brand-new look without starting from scratch, refacing might be an excellent option for you. Refacing involves replacing the doors and drawers of your cabinets while reusing the existing cabinet boxes. This option is less expensive than replacing your cabinets entirely. If your cabinets are outdated or unattractive yet in relatively good shape, ask your kitchen remodeling pro about refacing them.

Additionally, refacing is often completed in less time than a full kitchen renovation, making it ideal for those who want to update their kitchen quickly.

3. Task vs. Overhead Lighting

Lighting is an essential element of any room and is more important than you might realize in kitchen remodeling. It not only affects the functionality of the space but adds ambiance and style. Task lighting refers to lights illuminating specific areas where you perform tasks, such as chopping vegetables, cooking, and washing dishes. In contrast, overhead lighting refers to lights that provide general illumination for the entire space. Choose a combination of task and overhead lighting to achieve a well-lit and functional kitchen that looks sleek and stylish.

4. The Layout

When planning a kitchen renovation, most homeowners do not realize that moving plumbing and electrical can add significant costs and time to your project. If possible, try to keep your sink, dishwasher, and other major appliances in their current locations. This choice will save you money on plumbing and electrical, allowing you to focus your budget on other aspects of your remodel, such as upgrading your countertops and flooring. If you're set on a new layout, you'll need to consider the extra cost and time required to relocate your plumbing and electrical systems.

Kitchen remodeling can be a great way to add value, beauty, and functionality to your home. By following the tips and tricks above, you can achieve a stunning kitchen remodel that meets your needs and budget.

Contact a local contractor to learn more about kitchen remodeling.
