Most Prevalent Misconceptions About Drilling A Residential Water Well

Posted on: 8 June 2023

If you are considering drilling a water well, it is important to do your research and talk to a qualified well driller to get accurate information about the costs, permits, and other requirements in your area. Relying on secondhand information not provided by a residential water well drilling professional can leave you with the wrong impression. Take a look at a few of the most prevailing misconceptions about residential water wells below. 

Misconception: It is expensive to drill a water well

The cost of drilling a water well varies depending on the location, depth of the well, and type of well. However, in general, the cost of drilling a water well is much less than the cost of connecting to a municipal water supply. For example, the average cost of drilling a water well in the United States is $5,500, while the cost of connecting to a municipal water supply can be much more expensive in some cases.

Misconception: It is difficult to get a permit to drill a water well

In most cases, it is relatively easy to get a permit to drill a water well. The requirements for a permit vary from state to state, but in general, the permit process is straightforward. Most states require that you submit an application to the state's Department of Environmental Protection or equivalent agency. The application will typically include information about the location of the well, the depth of the well, and the type of well. Once you have submitted the application, the state will review it and issue a permit if it meets all of the requirements.

Misconception: Water wells are not reliable

Water wells can be very reliable sources of water. However, it is important to have the well properly maintained to ensure that it provides safe and clean water. This includes regularly testing the water for contaminants and having the well serviced by a qualified well driller.

Misconception: Water wells are not environmentally friendly

Water wells can be a very environmentally friendly way to obtain water. They do not require the use of energy or chemicals, and they do not produce any waste. In addition, water wells can help to reduce the amount of water that is used from municipal water supplies. This can be beneficial to the environment, as it can help to conserve water and reduce the amount of pollution that is caused by water treatment plants.

Call a residential water well drilling company to learn more.
