Epoxy Floor Coating Vs. Garage Tile: How Do They Compare?

Posted on: 12 July 2022

Two popular choices for protecting the concrete floor in your garage are epoxy coatings and garage tile. An epoxy coating is a durable resin that chemically binds to the concrete floor, and garage tiles are interlocking tiles made out of plastic that you lay on top of the floor. Both will stop your garage floor from soaking up fluids, like oil, that are accidentally spilled on it, making it easier to keep your garage floor looking great. Below, you'll find out how these two different coverings compare and which one is the best fit for your garage floor. 

Ease of Installation

One of the biggest differences between epoxy coatings and garage tiles is how easy they are to install. Installing an epoxy coating on your garage floor requires a large amount of surface preparation. The concrete needs to be etched with acid or scuffed with a sander in order for the epoxy to bind to the concrete. If you don't prepare the surface properly and the epoxy doesn't fully adhere to the concrete, then it will start to bubble up and peel away. Ideally, garage floor epoxy should be installed by a professional to ensure that the surface preparation is done correctly.

Installing garage tiles, on the other hand, is a simple project that you can do yourself. All you have to do is place the tiles on the floor and lock them together. There's no surface preparation necessary, which makes the installation process much easier.

Stain Resistance

Despite being more difficult to install, garage floor epoxy has a major benefit over tile because it's easier to keep clean. This is important, since the reason for putting a covering on your garage floor is to prevent the concrete from being stained by oil or other liquids. An epoxy coating can simply be washed with water in order to remove stains.

Garage tile is harder to keep clean because of the gaps between the tiles. The tiny gaps collect dirt and dust. Unlike the floor tile you may have in your kitchen or bathroom, there's no grouting between garage tiles to keep dust from getting between them. You'll need to pull the tiles apart in order to fully clean them, which is a major hassle.


Epoxy floor coatings are also more durable than garage tiles. Garage tiles may crack or chip if you drop a heavy tool on them like a hammer, which makes them a poor choice if you use your garage as a workshop. Car tires can also scuff the tiles, marring the surface. Garage floor epoxy is much harder, so you don't have to worry about damaging it if you accidentally drop something on it while you're working in the garage.

Overall, garage floor epoxy is a much better covering for your garage floor than tile. With its superior durability and stain resistance, it does a much better job of keeping the concrete floor in your garage protected. The most important thing to keep in mind is that it should be installed by a professional to make sure that the epoxy adheres to the floor correctly, as improper surface preparation can cause an epoxy coating to fail. While tile is easier to install, it won't last as long as a properly installed epoxy coating and it will also harbor dirt and dust.

Contact a epoxy floor coating service to learn more. 
