What To Do When You Suspect Your Septic Drain Field Is Failing

Posted on: 11 January 2022

Residential septic systems are often not overly complicated to deal with, and while there is typically some maintenance involved, the system should operate normally if you use it properly. The drain field that your septic tank runs into can have some specific issues of its own, and often, these problems require septic tank drain field repair to correct.

Drainfield Oversaturation

A septic system requires a delicate balance of materials, water, and bacteria in order to work correctly. If the system becomes unbalanced, it can severely affect the performance and operation of all the components in the septic system, including the drain field. 

One very common issue with the septic drain field is an oversaturation of the field with water. Sometimes this is water that comes from the system, and other times it is an external issue like heavy rain and flooding in the area. Working with a septic tank drain field repair service to determine how to remedy the situation may be the best option to restore the function of the field.

If the water saturation is a result of too much water coming through the septic tank and waste system, it could be that the homeowner is using too much water in the home or that the septic tank is full and needs pumping, so liquids do not move through it so quickly as to saturate the drain field. The septic tank drain field repair service will inspect the system to determine what is going on for you and let you know how best to repair the system.

Clogged Drain Fields

The drain field requires water to flow into it and leach off into the soil and materials under the surface. If things are blocking the inlet to the drain field or tree roots have grown up through the pipes, that flow can be blocked, and the drain field may not work correctly. 

Foreign bodies, food scraps, grease, and cheap toilet paper can all be problems in the system, and if the drain field has a severe occlusion, a septic tank drain field repair contractor may have to uncover the field to get to the blockage and make repairs. The cost of the repairs could be high, and they can take some time to complete, but if the drain field is not working and you are seeing septic backups in the home, slow drains, or water pooling over the drain field, you may not have a choice to have a contractor come and fix it. 

Some chemical products claim to clear these kinds of problems, and while some may work, it is better to have a contractor inspect the system before considering and repair so that the natural balance of the septic system is not disrupted or damaged.

For more information, reach out to a septic tank drainfield repair service.
