Recommendations For River Rock Installation Into Your Yard's Landscaping Features

Posted on: 27 December 2021

Yard landscaping can be made up of your favorite vegetation, beautiful rock, and other natural elements to beautify your yard. River rock provides a great option for bringing in a variety of colors, shapes, and textures with its many uses and durable features that make it ideal for use with drainage systems, edging barriers, and pavement surfaces. Here are some recommendations that you can use to give your yard an attractive look with the beneficial features of river rock.

Install Rock Pavement

With river rock, you can make a plot of dirt into an attractive area for your vehicles and other activities. A gravel paved driveway or parking spot provides you protection from the dust and mud that can come with a bare dirt area. Choose the array of river rock that you want to cover the area for your parking surface, then prepare the base layers for a solid and sturdy pavement. 

Because the base layers of a river rock driveway need to provide stability and good drainage, make sure you apply a layer of compacted angular gravel. This structure will form a solid foundation where you can pour the river rock covering. Make sure the angular gravel is several inches in thickness along with your river rock, so excavate the appropriate depth for your gravel driveway to allow it to fit within the site. For example, if you install a base layer four inches in thickness of your angular gravel and a top layer of two inches of river rock, plan to excavate six inches from the soil.

Improve Bedding Edges

The bedding areas in your yard's landscaping may be covered in a mulch of bark, wood chips, or rubber recycled mulch. This covering protects the soil from erosion and drying out in the hot sun, but the mulch can, unfortunately, scatter around from the bedding areas. With a border installed around the mulched areas, you can use embedded river rock to create a functional barrier. 

Select river rocks that are several inches in diameter so there is enough area of rock for you to embed into the soil. The rest of the rock should protrude from the soil and act as a border or barrier for your landscaping. This river rock edging adds a functional and aesthetic barrier to your yard's landscaping, especially since it is natural river rock ideal for a yard. For more information, contact a company like A & A Materials.
