Considerations That Can Help You Choose New Asphalt Shingles For Your Roof

Posted on: 25 August 2021

If you're planning to get a new asphalt shingle roof, you may wonder if you need to change the color of the shingles or upgrade to higher-quality shingles. Since new roofing will probably last for many years, you'll want to make the right decision when it comes to the materials you buy. Here are some considerations that might help you make your decision.

If You Will Freshen The Exterior Of Your Home

You want your new roof to complement the exterior colors of your home. If you like your current colors and plan to keep them, then you might want the same color of shingles that you have now. If you want to change your siding, shutters, or paint color, then consider what color of shingles will look best.

You probably don't want your roof to be the same color as your siding, but you might want it to match your trim or shutters. Try using a roofing color visualizer tool that lets you try different types of roofing on your home to see how a change in color looks.

If Your Area Has Severe Weather

If it seems like your area has more strong storms than it did when your old roof was put on, you may want to upgrade to more durable shingles. There are different grades of roofing, and the higher grades can tolerate stronger impacts and wind lifting than the economy asphalt shingles.

The drawback is that high-quality shingles cost more, but they also last longer. If you think more durable asphalt shingles would be a good investment, talk to your roofing contractor about the right grade to put on your home.

You Want A Luxury Look

If you're renovating your home or you just want your home to have a more luxurious appearance, then you may want to switch from basic shingles to architectural shingles. These shingles are not only more attractive, but they're also thicker and more durable. Some of the shingles look like wood shakes or slate, so your roof can have a luxury appearance at a lower cost than authentic luxury roofing costs.

You Want An Energy-Efficient Option

If energy efficiency is important when you make changes to your home, then talk to your roofing contractor about buying asphalt shingles that have granules on them made to reflect the sun. By reflecting UV rays, the shingles help your home stay cooler in the summer so your cooling bills might be lower. You might also want light color shingles if you don't want the reflective granules, since dark colors absorb more heat.

Reach out to a company like P&G Renovations to discuss your roofing needs. 
