Tips To Help You Get Ready For A Home Inspection

Posted on: 18 August 2021

When you're selling your house, accepting an offer and going under contract can be a big relief. However, it is important to note that shortly after an offer is accepted, the buyers will hire a home inspector to do a full inspection of your house. Almost all residential real estate transactions involve a home inspection since buyers want the peace of mind of knowing that a house is in good condition, and many mortgage lenders also require a home inspection before they will release funds. Knowing that your home is going to be inspected can be intimidating, but there are things that you can do to prepare. Use the following tips to help you get ready for a home inspection:

Fix What You Can

A home inspector will conduct a very thorough and comprehensive inspection of your home. There is no way for you to know whether or not your entire home is without any problems, but it is in your best interest to make repairs that you know are needed. For example, if you have a leaking faucet, have it replaced, and if there are holes in your drywall, have them patched. It is also a good idea to be proactive about maintenance. Consider having your HVAC system inspected by a professional and also have your sewer line inspected. If you have maintenance done, make sure that you leave out the receipts for the services so the home inspector can see them and include the information in their final report.

Make Sure That the Home Inspector Has Access to All Areas of Your Home

It is normal for a house to get cluttered when you're in the middle of packing and getting ready to move. But, when you know that there is a home inspection scheduled, you need to do your best to clear the area so a home inspector is able to access all areas of your home. Make sure that the home inspector is able to get into your garage, attic, basement, and any utility closets. You should also make sure that the area under the sinks in your home are clear so the pipes can be looked at. 

Have a Plan for Leaving the House

During a home inspection, it is best for the current owner of the home to not be present. A complete home inspection can take several hours, and a home inspector will be able to do their job better when the house is empty. This means that you should have a plan to leave your house on the day of the inspection. In addition, if you have pets, make arrangements for them to stay somewhere else while the inspector is conducting the inspection. 

Reach out to a professional for more information about residential home inspections
